Photoshop Notes - and lack of same
.i was dizzy last night when i gave the Photoshop Basics seminar. i promised you all that i would post notes from the seminar. i realized after the seminar - there are no notes to give, except for a brief outline lacking any real instruction, which i have included below. i have also included the slides from the Powerpoint Presentation. (click for full size image.)
here's the notes that i worked from, and a much better option below for those desiring a full tutorial...
Photoshop can do virtually anything to an image; can be time consuming needn’t be.
can great results quickly, hope to show tonight. Photoshop’s the professional standard, been around the longest,
most stable, best known, most widely accepted, most widely available image application.
used for everything: school projects to high-end photography, art, advertising, hollywood, even scientific analysis.
can change color, brightness, contrast, soften, sharpen or add texture to all or part of an image; enlarge, convert, distort, flip an image, combine multiple images together, multiply a single image, can cut and paste, squash, stretch, and turn an image inside out .
define a pixel – Photoshop manipulates these pixels.
how big should you work: big!
res 72dpi screen, 300-1200 dpi print.
open new is rare – usually opening an existing file.
how to grab an image off the web
always work rgb –if not, change: mode
• opening/creating an image: what size/ what resolution/ what dpi?
• always rgb/ converting non-rgb images
• navigator
• working with layers/ always work on duplicate layers
• save vs. save as/jpeg vs. psd
• picture adjustments: levels/ auto levels, hue/ saturation, variations
• selection tools/ multiple tool choice
• magic wand tool
• feathering a selection
• cut, paste, eraser tool
• clone stamp tool
• color picker
• foreground/ background color
• filters
an application such as Photoshop is impossible to express is simply words. until i have time to develop something with illustrations, i have a link to an online tutorial. this one seems a bit plodding and tedious (with lots of ads - this is a link to a commercial website) but it has many illustrations and step by step instructions. you can find the tutorial, and many others here.